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Association between angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphisms and diabetic nephropathy: Case-control, haplotype, and family-based study in three European populations

Published on 2 October 2023
Association between angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphisms and diabetic nephropathy: Case-control, haplotype, and family-based study in three European populations
Date de publication 
Hadjadj S, Tarnow L, Forsblom C, Kazeem G, Marre M, Groop PH, Parving HH, Cambien F, Tregouet DA, Gut IG, Theva A, Gauguier D, Farrall M, Cox R, Matsuda F, Lathrop M, FinnDiane Study G and Grp ES
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18 (4), 1284-1291, 2007
Département / Service
Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1681/asn.2006101102

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